The overall aim of WildFood is to promote the implementation of joint innovative strategies by involving different actors of the Wild Food Products (WFP) value-chain in the Mediterranean area, focusing on selected products (mushrooms, truffles, pine nuts & Aleppo pine seeds, aromatic plants, acorns and berries) in view of improving their quality and safety controls and sustainability.

The specific objectives are:

  • Analyse and compare the situation of the WFP value-chains and actors in Med PRIMA-communities and identify gaps between current knowledge and its practical implementation;
  • Design and demonstrate innovative solutions for tackling the pressing challenges of the WFP value-chains in terms of quality and sustainability by exploring existing business models and control systems in all stages of the chain;
  • Facilitate the market access of Med companies and increase the added value of local products by implementing innovative marketing strategies, targeted dissemination and outreach activities;
  • Strengthen the integration among the main agro-food value-chains actors promoting partnerships and new models of mutual collaboration, as well as, social inclusion and entrepreneurial business culture;
  • Facilitate the adoption of technological and organisational innovations by smallholders and SMEs through capacity building and targeted business support as well as interactive knowledge-exchange.