Policy Forum: Disclosing the potential of Wildfood around the Mediterranean to promote sustainable, competitive, and secure supply chains: Key actions and policy recommendations
The WILDFOOD Policy Forum, taking place on 27th May 2022, will discuss the action
needed to ensure more competitive, secure and sustainable value chains of wild foods.
This event will be held in-person and streamed live online at the Villa Bolasco,
Castelfranco Veneto. The policy forum is addressed mainly to Mediterranean, national,
regional and local policy makers and key stakeholders involved in wild food value
chains (including associations of producers, harvesters and processors, consumer
organisations, industries, NGO, Public institutions…). Final program and other
information will be published on the project website (https://wildfood.ctfc.cat).
Provisional program:
Time Activities 8.30 – 9.00
9.00 – 10.15 Registration of participants
POLICY FORUM (Plenary session)
Giulia Muir - Wild Food: products and production
Davide Pettenella - Wild Food on the forest policy in Europe
Giulia Corradini - Labels, labeling and certification on wild foods 10.15 – 11.00 POLICY FORUM: Introduction to the Policy Guidance Notes: How to re-define the
role of certification of Wildfood production in the next EU policies? Ibtissem
Taghouti and Enrico Vidale Interactive part:
World Café 11.00 – 11.15
11.15 – 13.00 Break
Research in action: new scientific frontiers towards the sector of wild food products 13.15 – 13.45
14.00 World cafè: young researchers versus Senior prof: who will lead the future